Splash Magz Volume 3 No 1, March 2023

Welcome to the latest issue of Splash Magz, a magazine covering various topics around social science and lifestyle. In this edition, we raise the theme of human and economic capital as an outcome of an international seminar organized by STIE Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Malang in collaboration with SplashMagz and the University of Birmingham. We hope that this magazine can provide insight and inspiration for readers who are interested in current issues in the field of economics and human development.
Human capital is one of the key factors that determine a country’s economic growth. Human capital includes the quality of human resources which is influenced by education, health, training, and research. Investment in human capital can increase the productivity, efficiency and innovation of the workforce. In addition, human capital also plays a role in creating a conducive business climate, increasing global competitiveness, and promoting social welfare.
The international seminar that we are holding in 2023 brings together experts, practitioners and researchers from various countries to share knowledge, experience and the latest findings on human and economic capital. This seminar is also an event to build a network of cooperation between various parties with an interest in these issues.
In this magazine, we present outputs in the form of articles developed by participants in our series of seminars. We hope that this magazine can provide benefits to readers.
Thank you for your concern and support for Splash Magz. We invite you to continue to follow our magazine for other useful information. Don’t forget to provide your suggestions, criticisms or feedback via email or our social media. Happy reading!

Table of Content

The Influence of Inflation and Unemployment on the Indonesian Economy: VAR Approach

Author : Erlen Berliantina Kusumasari, Bambang Hadi Prabowo, Yusuf Iskandar

DOI : 10.54204/splashmagzvol3no12023001



The Correlation Role of Carbon Emissions and Renewable Energy and Their Impact on Economic Growth in Indonesia

Author : Adrid Ascarya Mugand, Eny Lestari Widarni, Rachmad Santoso

DOI : 10.54204/splashmagzvol3no12023002



Education and Economic Growth And The Role in Controlling Unemployment In Indonesia

Author : Gusni Ariansyah, Bambang Hadi Prabowo, Askar

DOI : 10.54204/splashmagzvol3no12023003



Education, GDP and Their Role in Poverty in Indonesia: VECM Analysis

Author : Hardy Dharmawan Prayogo, Bambang Hadi Prabowo, Budi Sasongko

DOI : 10.54204/splashmagzvol3no12023004



The Impact of Health Spending on CO2 Emissions and Economic Growth in Indonesia: A VECM Analysis

Author : Siti Yasikah, Sri Harnani, Cahya Budhi Irawan

DOI : 10.54204/splashmagzvol3no12023005



How Inflation and Carbon Emissions Influence Renewable Energy in Indonesia: Evidence from VECM

Author : Nugroho Guntur S, Bambang Hadi Prabowo, Refina Sawitri

DOI : 10.54204/splashmagzvol3no12023006



Exports, FDI, and Inflation in Indonesia: A Dynamic Relationship

Author : Romadhona Kisno S, Sri Harnani, Yenni Fayanni

DOI : 10.54204/splashmagzvol3no12023007



The Effects of Migration and Remittances on Economic Development in Egypt

Author : Ima Kusdiana Kurniasari, Sri Harnani, Cahya Budhi Irawan

DOI : 10.54204/splashmagzvol3no12023008



The Role of Institutions in Economic Development in Hong Kong

Author : Prasetyo Utomo, Ema Sulisnaningrum, Muhammad Buswari

DOI : 10.54204/splashmagzvol3no12023009



The impact of trade liberalization on economic growth in Indonesia

Author : Awaludin, Diah Rusminingsih, Nuri Maulana Ikhsan

DOI : 10.54204/splashmagzvol3no12023010



The impact of air pollution, health, productivity on welfare in Indonesia

Author : Nuri Maulana Ikhsan, Sri Harnani, Eddy priyanto

DOI : 10.54204/splashmagzvol3no12023011



The Challenges And Opportunities Of Digital Transformation And E-Commerce In Europe & Central Asia

Author :Sigid Bayu Sudarmaji, Sri Harnani, Nehruddin

DOI : 10.54204/splashmagzvol3no12023012

